Brand Collateral in 2023: What’s Changed and What’s to Come

A chalk drawing that says "2023".
Written by: Connections Marketing

For most businesses, brand collateral is the first thing a customer sees, whether it’s the logo on a product or some other identifying symbol that, ideally, drives sales and builds trust. At its heart, the formula is simple: If an organization invests in high-quality branding, a growing base of customers becomes more loyal to it because they associate it with the qualities they like about the products or services.

The fundamental reason businesses will be investing in their branding moving forward, as well as the collateral to support it, will remain the same – to help build trust with existing and prospective customers. But the way to do so is ever-evolving, and newer methods shouldn’t be overlooked. Here’s why, as well as several key ways that growing organizations can benefit in the next year as they attempt to establish a name in the world.

What’s Changed: The Luxury of Overlooking Branding Trends

Back when there were fewer players in the marketplace and communication moved at a slower pace, companies could afford to overlook the power of revitalizing their image from time to time. Today, however, one of the biggest mistakes businesses make when it comes to their brand collateral is not investing enough time and energy into keeping their name alive and relevant.

When a company drops the ball in this area, one result will be that potential consumers may assume that the company’s offerings are inferior to other options or simply not worth the cost. But there may also be more subtle consequences. Without a focus on the continual creation of quality collateral, people often gradually take their business elsewhere due to a negative perception of the brand, however subconscious. In other words, low-quality or out-of-date collateral will have a ripple effect throughout the entire company.

What’s in Store: Newer Brand Collateral Trends

If that sounds intimidating, it shouldn’t. Even small changes can make a big difference, from making sure your logo translates well on mobile devices to using fonts that look good in print, and so on. As long as certain elements are useful in conveying the right image, there’s no reason not to invest some attention in keeping them on point.

But a smarter use of emerging technologies will also be key when it comes to ensuring that future campaigns are a success. These are just some of the ways marketers will ensure this happens in 2023:

AI Technology

As their demands grow, more marketers will be turning to AI technology for a whole range of content uses. Features such as auto-tagging, tagging suggestions, and duplicate recognition will enable them to save time and energy when creating new online content.

Content Automation

Increasingly, automated features will be used by brand managers to create content at scale without hampering creatives.

User-Generated Content (UGC)

Similarly, this is another way to unburden your team and reach outside the box. There’s nothing quite like getting your customers and advocates to take on branding for you. By taking extra measures to leverage UGC, marketers will project more authenticity and trustworthiness. Because it comes from “real people,” the vast majority of users trust this type of content to inform their shopping decisions.

Visual Adaptivity

Visual creativity will always be at the heart of successful branding. No matter the tools being used, you may need to modify your visuals and redesign them to match your target audience’s preferences or habits.

Localization Strategies

As things become more globalized, they also become more local. Marketers will consistently lean into their localization strategies to enhance user experiences and get their messages to key communities.

Access Digital Marketing Support Near You

Maintaining your brand identity will be as vital as ever in the months to come. Whatever has been working may need some added tactics to evolve with the times. When it comes time to upgrade your website or rethink your style and layout to better match your audience’s preferences, a smart first step may be to access digital marketing support that will take some of the burden off your plate.

At Connections Marketing, our specialists are happy to walk you through your brand collateral options to land on a winning marketing strategy. Contact us today to discuss ways to ensure a successful and on-brand new year!

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