Tell me this: Which of these options written by a copywriter would truly inspire you to leave your job and explore getting paid to travel instead?
Option 1: Quit your job! Make tons of money traveling! Live the life you’ve always wanted!
Option 2: Exhausted by the daily grind that leaves you feeling drained and never having enough income no matter how hard you hustle? When you’re paid to simply travel wherever the road takes you, life instantly becomes more fulfilling, more relaxing, and much more desirable. Start making money like you never thought possible, and do it the way you’ve always dreamed of.
If you said option 1, you should probably stop reading this now. If you said option 2, I think we can get somewhere with you, so go ahead and read on!
By definition, copywriting is the act of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. The product, called copy, is written content that aims to increase brand awareness and ultimately persuade a person or group to take a particular action.
While option 1 may sound intriguing at first glance, it doesn’t sound very persuasive. Sure, everyone wants to make more money and live the life they’ve always wanted, but it doesn’t sound very realistic.
It also doesn’t provide a pain point, the emotional connection (or the way a copywriter relates to their reader) that explains why you would want to leave your job in the first place.
Option 2, however, does. It’s the exhaustion felt by millions of Americans in their daily hustle to work harder, make more money, and ultimately, find themselves nowhere closer to where they want to be than when they first started.
This is why having a copywriter is so important to your business’s success. While one piece of copy may fill the space and get the point across, another will actually do its job – persuade, sell, and/or convert.
Buckle up your seatbelts because I’m about to show you just how necessary having a quality copywriter is and why your business won’t succeed without one.
A Copywriter Can Single-Handedly Affect Your SEO Strategy
SEO is the lifeblood of getting traffic to your site. In order for people to find you, you need to rank high on the search engines.
While SEO used to be focused around stuffing in keywords wherever you could and backlinking, the game has significantly changed in the last year or so.
Now, the importance of SEO lies within your content. Without quality content, you have no incentive for visitors to stay on your site, and Google takes notice. From every page they click on to how long they stay on it, Google is watching, and if your content isn’t keeping visitors on your site, your rankings fall.
A copywriter can make or break your SEO strategy.
If they’re great, your SEO will be, too.
And if they’re not, well…maybe someone will keep clicking until they get to page 27 in their Google search and find you.
But don’t just hire any copywriter. You need one that at least understands the basic SEO tactics. This way, they’ll be able to implement them into their writing, and everything will flow naturally.
When things flow naturally for a reader, they tend to keep reading.
You Need the Right Copywriter to Get Ads That Actually Work
Copywriting isn’t just a blanket term. There are different types of copywriters; bloggers, technical writers, creative copywriters.
And which one you have matters.
A creative copywriter will be your best salesperson.
Hopefully, you’re starting to see the importance of having a quality copywriter at your disposal. But if you want your business to be even more successful, then you don’t want just any copywriter, you want a creative copywriter.
Creative copywriters understand the relationship between what is written and the actions someone will take because of it. They’re able to keep people engaged with the content by tapping into and establishing an emotional connection with your readers.
They have an innate ability to understand how to create the emotional connection with a reader through the text and that it’s necessary to do so before someone will be inclined to click on your ad.
Creative copywriters can tug on those strings and make the reader not only want to click on your ad, but feel once they have, that they got the answer they were looking for because they clicked!
And they know the key words that trigger your brain to take action rather than merely observe.
Who would’ve thought that with just a few carefully selected words, sentences, or phrases, that you’d be able to sell someone right out of the gate?
Now are you seeing how incredibly vital a quality, creative copywriter is for your company?
Blogging Without a Creative Copywriter Is Business Suicide
Blogging today isn’t just about running a content mill where you’re constantly pushing out blogs on your site just to have them there. Quality content counts for SEO, remember?
A creative copywriter understands the importance of persuasion in writing and how to take hold of someone and keep that grip by connecting with them in a way that makes the reader feel like that blog was written specifically for them, about them.
Any great creative copywriter has some amount of skill in advertising and branding, and they’re able to make sure whatever is put on your company’s blog accurately reflects your brand’s position and message.
The right person will be able to understand your business and put themselves in the ‘shoes’ of a person working for your company, not an outside agency.
Doing so allows them to create content that delivers on a uniquely higher level because they’re able to tap into what it means to be an employee, a consumer, and an outside entity looking in.
This is a harder skill set to match and find, but once you’ve found a creative copywriter that can jump into the shoes of any industry and put that voice into your blogs, hold onto them and never let go!
Without a Great Copywriter, People Won’t Stay on Your Website
A copywriter’s work is the final straw that determines whether someone is persuaded, sold, or converted on your website.
The content on your site is the last impression your business leaves on a person before they decide whether they’ll pick up the phone and call or go to someone else for the same product or service.
As you’ve read already, a copywriter can easily determine the success or failure of your business, and your website is no exception.
The copy placed onto your site must be methodically and strategically planned so that in every single place where there is text, it’s inspiring the reader – either in convincing them how wonderful and valuable your business is to them or that they need to take action.
That’s a whole lot of inspiring!
Whether someone comes to your site from social media, an advertisement, or a search engine, what the copywriter has left them to read is what will leave a lasting impression.
Great Copywriters Don’t Go It Alone
Having a skilled, creative copywriter on board is essential to your company’s success, but they don’t do it completely alone.
When you put that copywriter together with a great designer, the two of them make magic appear in everything they create.
Suddenly, the text and images flow together naturally, and the amount of content is proportionate to the original, approved design – creating a visually pleasing dynamic for your readers.
And once the incredibly well-thought out design and copy have landed on the desk of the skilled developer, everything is built on the backend and brought to life on the screen right before your eyes.
If you’re looking to help your business succeed in 2018 and are in need of a quality, creative copywriter and an in-house team that works closely together to ensure your full vision is brought to life, give Connections Marketing a call today! You’d be surprised what all we can do!