Joining the Connections Marketing team as Digital Marketing Assistant, Joe brings his expertise with SEO and digital marketing to the table in a way that builds upon the success our clients have been seeing with their marketing efforts thus far.
We sat down with Joe to get to know him better. Here’s what he had to say:

What was it about digital marketing that piqued your interest?
What really drew me in to digital marketing were the challenges that come with it. It’s a very competitive industry and you’re always trying your hardest to drive results. There are many variables you must consider that may affect performance. Essentially, it’s all one big puzzle, and it’s so rewarding to see your efforts pay off when you witness a client’s success with their website and apps.
What exactly does your job entail?
As digital marketing assistant, my goal is to ultimately help drive traffic to our clients’ websites. I do that by using other platforms to create external links that drive organic traffic, update their site’s content as needed, create landing pages, and optimize their website to have better visibility on search engines.
What’s the hardest part of your job?
It’s hard to choose to a single part because there are several things that can make the workload difficult. When a site isn’t getting the web traffic it should, it can be kind of tricky to diagnose what is causing those kinds of results. Whether there is a trend in a market or if there was just an update on a search engine’s algorithm, there can be several variables that have an impact.
What do you like the most about your job?
This bounces off from what I said before. I really enjoy how challenging it can be. There is never really a day that feels dull. Each challenge that comes up requires a fair amount of time and effort to resolve. It’s especially rewarding when you see that your efforts have paid off and a client’s site is performing as it should.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
When I have nothing going on, I like to play videogames with some friends of mine. Playing fast-paced games with them is always a great time. I also really enjoy dabbling in a photography as a hobby.