Born and raised in the wheat state, Crystal’s heard the phrase when out of town, “You’re not in Kansas anymore, Toto” more times than she can remember. A city girl at heart, she started young with an ambitious work ethic and a nothing-can-stop her attitude. It was that same work ethic that convinced us that we needed her on our team to handle our copywriting and be our social media consultant, and so began her journey with Connections Marketing.

What does copywriting entail?
As a copywriter, I come up with and write the text that you find everywhere you look. If there are written words, be it on a website, in an email campaign, a blog post, etc, a copywriter wrote them. But copywriting is so much more than just the words. I research the industry and client I’m writing for, I interview them to develop a keen eye for the style, voice, and objective they’re trying to obtain, and then I write, edit, tweak and format, until I achieve the finished product, barring any changes from the client. Then, I proceed with sourcing the appropriate images that correlate with what I’ve written.
What do you do as a social media consultant?
As the Social Media Consultant for Connections Marketing, I manage all of the social media marketing and ad campaigns for our clients. I come up with the posts and accompanying images and schedule them to post on certain days and times based on analytics that I am constantly monitoring so that our clients posts are being delivered to their followers at the most optimum times. All the while, I’m measuring how the posts are performing, determining where to set our goals the following month, and researching the constant changes in the industry to ensure I stay on top of what social media is doing.
How is it you are easily able to write about varying industries?
I started working the day after I turned fourteen (it was legal back then to do so), and in the span of the last nineteen years, I’ve worked in numerous industries because I was always curious about how various trades did things and always extremely eager to learn more about what I didn’t already know. I’ve worked in healthcare, banking, accounting, insurance, sales, customer service (more times than I can count), restaurant and food services, and owned my own small business, to name a few. Being well-rounded and having worked in varying roles at different tiers of the ladder has offered me a perspective unlike many others. In every industry, there is a correlation of some sort to another, even if it’s miniscule. I take my real-world experience and combine it with industry research and my interviews with the clients and turn it into exactly what they’re looking for.
Which do you like more – copywriting or social media?
While I love the truly measurable properties social media marketing has to offer – you can clearly see if what you’re doing is working or if you need to make a clean slate – my heart has been stolen since I was very young by writing (since second grade to be exact). There’s something simply wonderful in seeing your words conveyed in print (or online, as such is today’s reality), and I get just as giddy writing informative, industry copy as I do writing novels.
Dogs or cats?
If you’d have asked me a month ago where I stood on this subject, I’d have said dogs without blinking an eye. However, while on a trip to Chicago for work this last November (I’m based in Kansas), my husband decided it’d be fun to bring a cat home for our daughter who’s a bit obsessed with them. Long story short, the darn furball won me over. So, now I’m for both.

If your business is in need of social media marketing or copywriting that truly gets at the heart of what you’re after, give Connections Marketing a call!