Marketing that Doesn’t Have You on the Side of the Road

A person looking at the engine of their car.
Written by: Connections Marketing

Just like ignoring your car’s engine light or delaying an oil change can lead to poor performance or worse – breakdowns, neglecting your business’s marketing maintenance can have serious consequences. Without consistent attention, your marketing may face stagnant growth, wasted resources, or lost opportunities to competitors.

Assess the Health of your Marketing with Our 7-Point Marketing Inspection

When assessing the health of your marketing, marketers will often start by looking at what’s currently in place and determine what’s working and what needs to be improved. Because all marketing should be connected just like the inner workings of your car, there will be a lot of overlap between each area. Below are 7 areas we recommend checking first. However, if you have no idea what you are looking at, just call an expert.

1: Website

Your website is the motor of your online presence. Not only is it a digital storefront where your audience can get to know and experience your brand, but it is also a marketing tool that if used correctly can generate new business. Have your website inspected by professional marketers and web developers to examine its ease of use, search term optimization, broken links, load speed, conversion optimization, and more.

2: Branding

Think of your brand like a car’s distinct make and model. Car enthusiasts can recognize their favorite brand based on the logo, craftsmanship, or overall services, anything that you do should be consistent across all channels and experiences. Businesses hum when different aspects of their marketing and branding align. Your branding sets the standard for what you or your marketing team can or cannot do. From the colors and font to the voice and tone of your message, we’ll make sure your branding is followed through.

3: Search Engine Marketing

Consider Search Engine Marketing (SEM) such as SEO and PPC like the regular checks you’d perform for your vehicle’s tires. As new competitors emerge and algorithm ‘temperatures’ fluctuate, your ability to get from point A to point B can be impacted. With professional SEM experts, we’ll help you regularly check your campaign’s traction and grip, especially in new terrain and competitive environments.

4: Social Media

Driving with dim headlights makes it hard for people to see you and also for you to see them. If social media is often an afterthought in your marketing, you’re not seeing the full potential of the audience you could be reaching – and they aren’t seeing you either. Think of social media as the light for your visibility. With our expert social media strategists, we’ll help you illuminate the right message across all fronts to increase brand awareness and engagement.

5: Content & Messaging

Like the fluids of your car can help it run smoothly, the right content can do the same for your business. Our expert content marketers understand the power of well-crafted content. From creating conversion-focused pieces to creative storytelling (like this blog you are reading now 😉), we’ll make sure to top you off with the right type content that best aligns with your target audience and goals.

6: Overall Experience & Reputation

How you conduct business and how your customers interact with you is just as important as how they found you. At Connections Marketing, we understand that a customer’s journey does not stop after they submit an online form. Work still needs to be done for follow up, nurture, and retention. If leads are following through the cracks or if you received a negative review, we’ll assess the warning lights and provide expert consultation on what to do next.

7: Networking, Partnerships, & Community

As your marketing partner, we can also guide you in strengthening external factors beyond your walls and mobilize your brand. This might mean connecting with other businesses, networking, and getting involved in your community. It may also include traditional methods you may not have considered such as print marketing or radio and TV ads. But including these channels into your marketing strategy can help you connect with your audience on a local level and build rapport in your community.

A Full Team of Marketing Experts Under One Roof

At Connections Marketing, each team member is an expert in their area and better yet – we all work in-house. Being a full-stack marketing agency not only improves collaboration and consistency for your marketing, but it also allows us to diagnose problems quicker.

No matter which area needs help – social media, web development, content or something else – the appropriate person can take over and resolve it. This level of efficiency is only possible when a single agency can take a comprehensive, turnkey approach to your needs.

Get a Free Multi-Point Marketing Inspection Today

Just as you’d schedule a multipoint inspection to keep your car running smoothly, it’s time for your Marketing Tune-Up. Learn more about our FREE multi-point marketing inspection offer!

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