Your Next SEO Goal: Getting Back to the Basics

A team of people having a meeting.
Written by: Connections Marketing

Is your team experiencing a lack of energy and motivation when it comes to your SEO? Join the club. It’s one of the most pervasive digital marketing struggles faced by business owners today. One source of exhaustion could be that you’re doing almost everything right, yet it doesn’t seem to be working.

There are several main culprits when it comes to this increasingly common experience:

  1. Ever-evolving Google algorithms
  2. Increased online competition in your field
  3. Overdoing your SEO
  4. Changing keyword rules

To be sure, businesses can start to run out of fresh, new ideas for their digital campaigns, as well as time to create and implement strategies that check all the necessary boxes. When you hit a wall, it’s time to refocus your attention and get back to the basics.

Here’s How to Go Back to the Basics with Your SEO Approach

There’s always some new digital communications advancement around the bend. Even a seasoned marketer with a passion for SEO can get lost in the weeds when deciding what step should come next. It’s at these moments that you want to go back and rediscover some of the things that used to serve you so well.

1. Traditional Marketing Tactics Combined with Newer Ones

The good news – for some old-schoolers, at least – is that reverting to more traditional, tried-and-true marketing approaches is one way to address the problem. What worked for you before the internet became such a beast? Consider dusting it off and putting a more modern spin on it. If radio ads used to produce results, you could do something similar with relevant podcasts as well as a revised radio station.

2. Personalized Notes Via eBlasts or Snail Mail

The concept of human connection is not dead. Far from it: people want and need to feel connected to one another more than ever! With that in mind, consider sending handwritten cards or notes using eblasts to thank customers and promote sales. This is an opportunity to tackle several tasks at once:

  • Remind consumers you’re still around
  • Promote anything new: products, an address or website, even new hours of operation
  • Provide other helpful data about your business
  • Showcase your personality through fun language and creative designs
  • Direct former customers back to your site with a QR code to keep up with the times

3. Review the Customer Experience – and Fix the Little Things

A no-brainer, sure, but it’s worth remembering that not all SEO happens online. Focus on creating consistently positive experiences for current and prospective customers, digitally and IRL. Take a closer look at what you can do to provide better customer service in person and over the phone. If some of your messaging is starting to rely on AI, keep in mind that most people want to talk to a real person, not a bot.

4. Publicize Details That Are Helpful to Your Audience

You don’t need to be a creative genius to get the attention of your audience. All you need is to do is be as helpful as possible. Could customers be more educated in any key areas? Think about other ways to help them, such as an improved landing page or a new app you developed for placing orders.

5. Fresh Content Writing That Tells a Story

We hear the word “story” a lot in this field. It can be confusing, since the word is associated with action, characters, and plotlines. What is meant by this is to engage the reader in ways that create positive, lasting impressions of a brand. Some of those ingredients can certainly do the trick. We’ve all seen websites with photos of the store mascot or a BIO that mentions the CEO’s penchant for rock climbing. A video that showcases workers in their element can create a more vivid image of a brand than a sterile list of titles ever will.

However, a “story” can also refer to the descriptive elements of writing and content creation you’re already doing. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Every time you update readers about company news and events, you are continuing your brand’s story. Simply upping your game in this area can distinguish you from similar brands out there vying for the same audience.

Are Businesses Overthinking Their SEO? How to Know You Need Help

Marketers and other professionals are bonding with one another over a kind of shared SEO overload. Case in point: there were 15.8 million Google results and counting for “SEO fatigue” at the time of this post.

The problem isn’t just that marketers are overthinking their SEO. If your SEO has become a source of anxiety, a lack of marketing resources is more likely to blame. Too many growing businesses simply don’t have time to run a digital campaign that includes the basic nuts and bolts:

Talk to a Trustworthy Digital Marketer About Strategies That Will Work

Some strategy must go into integrating older marketing into a modern campaign. At Connections Marketing, we can help you manage and implement just the right balance of new and old approaches. Our team of specialists will work hard to provide SEO, PPC, SM, content marketing, and more to make sure that happens.

Reach out to Connections Marketingto discuss our different packages and find out which aligns with your goals and budget. We look forward to helping you set up future campaigns for success!

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